Wednesday, February 15, 2012


"I don't understand. Don't understand how your "Best friends" can ignore you over nothing. How they can rip you to shreds with their hurtful words, even if they are joking. Post hurtful things about you, and after all that expect you to be happy, and smiley. I don't how I can be the first to say "are you okay?" when they're sad, but when I'm sad not once do they ask if I'm okay. Instead they'd rather tell me to stop being "sad and unhappy all the time". I'm sorry, but everyone has the right to be sad, and if your own "Best friend" can not understand that, then who can? No one, noda, zip, zeeeeroooo.

I hope they read this, and then they might understand a small amount of what they've put me through."

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